





Graphic Design, Illustration

Diversity, care and community were the central axes of the Ecosystem of Care project organised by the Aquí collective. This project focused on exploring and strengthening the social ecosystem in the urban environment, seeking to create spaces for community gathering and reflection. With the main objective of analysing and strengthening the social fabric of the city, Aquí organised an open-air cinema that offered weekly screenings. These sessions not only showed films, but also highlighted the work of directors, activists and social artists committed to diversity and community care.

These illustrations represented the same element in different ways, symbolising the diversity and richness of perspectives in the community.

The Parque de la España Industrial in Barcelona, known for its iconic chimneys and its history as a former industrial complex, was the setting for these activities, providing not only a unique and attractive environment, but also a symbol of urban transformation and regeneration. The design of the promotional material (posters and social media) had to focus on the concepts of diversity and different ways of understanding and living together in the same space. It was also important that the design was representative of the environment in which the event took place. Therefore, the main graphic forms consisted of illustrations of the chimneys.

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2024 © Alba Ruiz. All rights reserved.

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2024 © Alba Ruiz. All rights reserved.